Welcome to Your First Hypnosis
Please pay attention to the following video. It is an essential part of your hypnosis session. Please bring any question that pops into your mind during the video. You will find the video transcription after the video. It is there for SEO purposes. If you want, you can read it, but it is unnecessary.

Youtube Transcription
Hello it is a pleasure for me to be in charge of your hypnotic experience today my name is Ignacio Segovia psychology coach immunities polish speaker and writer I'm a member and trainer of the international certification board of clinical hypnotherapy in this video I have the amazing opportunity to share on Advanced very important information for you for the process that you are studying therefore it's important that you pay attention to this information great the way that we tend to work is uh first we will talk about your goals the the goals that you share in your form the goals that you share with one of my students or a Psychotherapy that is part of my team you will give me a short version of your work together I will talk about it we'll talk about hypnosis what it is what is not and will Preparation work from there sounds good excellent is ideal that you bring your goals ready in your mind in this way we'll take more time in hypnosis and less time talking about your situation so prepare question that what are the outcomes that you want to create what do you expect to happen the first week in the first month in the first year five years from now that is very important so bring those questions in the process of hypnosis your mind will be active and alert the entire time you're going to hear everything that I say and you are going to remember as much as you will from any normal conversation you know it is from movies or television that we get this idea that hypnosis might be some sort of loss of control What is hypnosis or loss of awareness when instead today is the opposite of that today is about helping you to regain control of those part of your life that used to seem beyond your control so those habits and behaviors and those emotions beliefs and feelings so it's a whole mind whole body experience so the question that many people will often have is well what does hypnosis feel like how it feel like when I'm hypnotized how do I know when I'm actually there and understand that even based on the process that we'll be doing there are different strategies and techniques will making use on the course of Justice first meeting so at some point today you might find this profound sense of What to expect relaxation but you are sinking in your share meanwhile there might be some other moments where you feel this kind of light and floating sensation like a balloon in there or maybe doing a backflate in the water or there are moments where you might discover these profound miraculous feelings that you are just sitting in the chair and I'm talking to you there is no honest one specific hypnotized feeling so because of that that's why I layer into the process moments of what we call if nothing phenomena which is kind interesting funny for you but they're mostly there for me because when you are responding to this series of instruction well that tell me that I can use this series of techniques and then are a few mamas later you're responding If nothing phenomena to those instructions which now mean oh good I can use uh now this other technique so it is a little bit of um a calibrated way uh from my side um so I I I'm seeing how you react to the process it's more for me to have Clues on what is happening you might find also some moments where you find so deeply interested in everything in every single word that I say some moments which of course means that are other moments where your mind wanders off to who the heck knows what really let it we describe this process as the bypassing of the critical element of the mind so really as you notice your A quick story attention can come in and going take that as a not it's a good sign of how well you are doing though I have to tell you this quick story um some couple of years ago I believe five six years ago I'm working with this guy the session was textbook it was going exactly and it's short but at the end of uh he was nervous and he was looking at me and he's going I don't know if that'll work it uh like half a way through my nose was itching and I don't know I I Crush my nose does that popped me out of hypnosis so because of Frank I have to explain to you to everybody that you are allowed to scratch your notes seriously you can scratch you can [ __ ] uh you can adjust whatever you need I don't judge whatever Does it work online you need to adjust go right ahead and that just help you to relax even further into the hypnosis process another question another question that people ask does it work online yes yes it can become the same process with the same results well it's simple when hypnosis begin you close your eyes and what when your eyes are closed and you're just there listen to the if notice that for from this point forward it becomes exactly the same process after you close your eyes it's exactly the same for you then with valid respect of the different offices that I have uh in the different years of my work the change never occurred in the room no the change occurred in your head so whatever you No fear of flying have your head we can do the work there that bring a very important fact that is that my clients never have fear of flying at the hypnosis office there were not Terror emotional over eat in on the hypnosis office on the hypnosis chair they never fear of um feel this fear of public speaking on the hypnotic chair what I'm trying to say is that because we are doing this online we can do it in the place that my clients are suffering so you can do this in your office you can do this in your house you can do this the place that actually is affecting you that is another uh Pro that we have with this hypnosis therefore their online process will give you results and The categories what will be those results what what other souls for your process and even before we start these hypnosis process I want to share with you the three categories where my clients are the the three cut the basis categories were that most people find themselves after this process in the first category the majority of the people that I work with this is the the big chunk of people is here in the first category they feel this that is amazing it is done I enjoy all this and everything was perfect it's gone and cure and and amazed whatever the second category is very similar is kind of funny because I I call it the Habit they have it they have it done The nd category they have it itself it's like is is there a ghost of that habit is I mean is this woman who worked with me um to do a smoking cessation and she stopped in the red light and she's looking for the cigars on her car because she was bored and now she remember ah no no I I already stopped this Behavior so this is the second for the second group the second category but some of my clients get into they have a goals of their behaviors and they just laughed she was looking for a cigarette and she said why I'm doing I I'm not a smoker anymore that is the second category that is amazing too and the third category well is this category where people struggle with this situation but have new techniques it's very similar to any kind of therapy coaching session where you practice new tools and you need to practice those tools again and again is where my clients need to use the audio every morning or every afternoon depending of your approach and you need to do an effort you need to do a practice there is very similar to cognitive behavioral therapy where I send a lot of exercise and you will receive an audio where you practice these things so in any of the three categories you will obtain a ton of information a ton of practice and this is the most important thing I'm not doing hypnosis to you all hypnosis is out diagnosis so I'm I am teaching you how to do this Conclusion process in each step I will explain you what is hypnosis how I'm doing it what are the steps to do it so you can practice yourself you can do auto hypnosis yourself this is very important this approach that I'm teaching you ways to read to meditate to accept new information new songs there in your brain that will help you to achieve the things that you want to achieve the things that you serve if you have any question about hypnosis and an about the process that we'll be doing in the first session just ask me just ask me take note of those questions and you will be able to ask me those questions during the session I hope you are excited as I am for this process and I I am ready for this change in your life are you ready great see you soon