Take Your Free Mental Toughness Assessment

The AIM Mental Toughness Assessment was designed to help athletes better understand the issues that can have an impact on their performances in sporting competitions and practices. It's a great way for you to get feedback about where you need to focus your efforts in order to succeed.

The assessment consists of three categories – attitude, focus and pressure – which are used to measure the difficulty that each area poses for the athlete. Each category is assessed using a scale from 0-224, with 0 representing no difficulties at all and 224 representing extreme difficulty. Most athletes will score somewhere below 10, so if this is your result it could indicate that you don't need any extra help. Higher scores will reveal particular issues which require specific intervention in order to improve your performance levels.

Individual items within the test are scored from 0-2 as well, with higher scores indicating more problematic responses. If this is the case for you then focusing on these areas of difficulty may be beneficial, as successful interventions could result in lower scores than before – suggesting that you have made progress with improving those areas. Overall, the AIM Mental Toughness Assessment is a great tool for athletes looking to gain valuable insight into their performance levels and work out how they can best improve them going forward.

AIM Mental Toughness Assessment

This Assessment was designed by Larry Neidigh, Ph.D. and Joni Neidigh, M.A., L.M.H.C., Certified Clinical Hypnotist to help you understand the mental toughness aspect of your sport.

This confidential assessment is meant to help you identify your areas for potential improvement and growth. Please answer each question thoughtfully and honestly – it’s important to be genuine in your responses to get the most accurate results!


Each step is

Perfectly Planed

Our program is designed to help athletes fully unlock their inner mental strength, enabling them to rise above any limits or obstacles in their way. Through our program, athletes will gain the following:

-A mental toughness assessment to identify what’s going right or wrong in terms of how they handle pressure, adversity, and concentration

-A plan for changing their mental game, including daily reflection and setting actionable goals

-Help from a hypnotherapist for modifying or replacing relaxation techniques as necessary

-A tool kit containing quick reference points during practice and competitions

-A proactive plan to overcome external obstacles

-A personal pre-competition routine to become more prepared and intentional

-A post-competition routine that reflects on the experience and reinforces successes for future competitions

Are you ready to unleash your true potential? Join our program today!